What is In-office Oral Sedation?

Sedation has long been used in the dental field to help keep patients calm and comfortable. We understand that visiting the dentist isn't always a fun experience and that some people have anxiety related to their treatment. For these reasons, we offer several different types of sedatives to help make your experience with us more relaxed. Sedation is ideal for patients of all ages and varying needs.

Why might you benefit from In-office Oral Sedation?

Sedation is used in several circumstances.  Firstly, very young children are often unable to keep still long enough for the pediatric dentist to perform high-precision procedures safely.  Sedation makes the visit less stressful for both children and adults and vastly reduces the risk of injury.  Secondly, some children struggle to manage anxiety during dental appointments.  Sedation helps them to relax, cope, and feel happier about treatment.  Thirdly, sedation is particularly useful for children with special needs. It prevents spontaneous movement, and guides cooperative behavior.

Who would benefit from In-office Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation - Children who are uncooperative, particularly anxious, or unable to control their muscles for prolonged periods, may be offered an oral sedative.  Oral sedatives come in many different forms (usually tablets, pills, and liquids), and may make the child feel drowsy.  If oral sedatives are to be used, the pediatric dentist may require parents to prepare the child before the appointment.  Some common preparatory measures may include: limiting food and fluid intake prior to the appointment, having the child wear comfortable clothing to the appointment, and preparing to stay with the child for several hours after the appointment.  Oral sedatives rarely produce serious side effects; nausea is among the most common.

What happens during In-office Oral Sedation?

The first step is to consult with you and determine what type of sedative is right for your needs. We will then work on providing you with the treatment that is right for you. Nitrous oxide is a popular option that involves breathing in a sweet-smelling gas that puts you into a deeply relaxed state. Oral sedation is ideal for patients who want to simply take a pill prior to their appointment that works to calm them down. Deeper sedation, known as IV sedation, is best for our patients who are undergoing oral surgery. IV sedation is safe, effective and can help to put you into a sleep-like state while in the office.

If you would like to learn more about how In-office Oral Sedation works, call our office today so that we can get you in for a convenient consultation appointment.

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